Well as you may have noticed 2013 was an off year, with many medical issues and just plan being busy raising my 5/6 and 3 yr old. I've kept up my reviews for all my books on Goodreads but just couldn't seem to get the time to leave reviews on my blog. Below is a link to all the books I read in 2013 and I will try to do reviews more frequently in 2014, my resolution as it were! :)
My Books read in 2013
Please feel free to comment and ask for a more indepth review of a book if you are interested. I didn't write reviews for all but I rated them all! As I said before I just didn't have the time to review every book as much as I'd like.
So far for 2014 I've read over 30 books. A lot are re- reads but a few were first time reads. Below is a link to my goodreads listing of those books. Again if you'd like a more indepth opinion on a specific book please feel free to comment and ask :)
January 2014 Reads